Monday 16 May 2016

More visitors to Rakino 1 & 2

Mrs Buchanan kindly bought in some of her rescue turtles and pet tortoises. We learnt lots of new facts.

Here are some of our blog posts about it. 

Today we had a very special visit from some little cute creatures. If you guessed turtles (and tortoises,) your right! Mrs Buchanan, who is part of the turtle rescue group, brought in some awesome turtles and tortoises to show us! 

She told us the differences about tortoises and turtles. The one that probably is the most important is that tortoises sink in water. They can't swim. Tortoises can live older as well though. Did you know that box tortoises can be bought for around $1,000!
By Lucas

Today we had some turtles visit our class.
We learnt lot's about turtles and tortoises.

What are the main differences between turtles and tortoises?
turtles can swim and tortoises can't.

What are some (2) reasons why turtles end up at turtle rescue?
shell rot, pyramid and over feeding

What are the things that turtles need to be healthy?
  1. clean water
  2. food
  3. proper care
  4. sun light

By Amy

Today Mrs. Buchanan came into our class to show us..... her turtles!!!,I was so extremely exited I felt like my stomach was about to BLOW UP!. As we all settled down Mrs. Buchanan started to talk about the differences about tortoises and turtles. Did you know that if you put a tortoise in water it will float down to the bottom just like a rock and it could drown? because it can not swim or float. When Mrs. Buchanan was talking she also showed us the detail of all the different types of turtles, my personal favourite would probably be the box Tortoise, they are the ones that can actually tuck inside their shells and be safe just like the ones you see on TV!
Turtles mostly end up in turtle rescue because:
-Their owners put their food out of water so they don't eat it (did you know that turtles only eat food under water?)
-Turtle's shells rot witch is in fact called "Shell rot" Holes start to appear in turtle's shells then it gets all puffy and pink inside and when that happens it becomes very ill.
-The children who own them go to intermediate, then collage and sooner or later UNI and the turtles are left behind so they take them to turtle rescue so as they can find another happy home.
-They get fed the wrong food and they also get fed too much

Turtles need the right type of food and the right amount otherwise it could get very very ill and die, here are some foods that are very healthy and organic for them:
It depends on how old they are for the amount you feed them.
By Paige L

Amazing Turtles And Tortoises

Turtles and Tortoises are cute and amazing!
But there are so many types to choose from to be your pet!
So I got a list of turtle & Tortoises you might want to know:

Herman's Tortoise

Box Tortoise

Reeves Turtle

Snake Necked Turtle

& The Painted Turtle!

What is the difference between a Turtle and a Tortoise?

Turtle                       VS                        Tortoise
Swims in the water            Sink in deep water
They have a tail                 They have no tail
Flat shell to swim better    strong and round shell
Has webbed feet                Big claws for digging
lives up to 20-40 yr old     lives up to 80-150 yr old
have smoother skin           looks more like a dinosaur
100% vegetarian               can eat meat, berries and veges

Mrs Buchanan's Turtles

Most of them were saved by turtle rescue!
One of them was 53 years old and she only grew about 5 centimeters!
She lived in a small tank but there wasn't enough light/UV so that didn't allow that poor turtle grow!
Turtles can end up in Turtle Rescue easily! Some can be found on the pathway, some can be found in a box, some can be having a health check or maybe even lost!

To Take care of one....

What you will need is:
a Tank
a UV light
an aquarium filter
Turtle Dock

Without all that equipment, you can't have a turtle so its really important to think before you get one!
Turtles need to be hydrated! That means they need a bath! They also need a 15 minute walk just to stretch out under the sun!
To me my favourite turtle/tortoise is....

By Karla

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