Wednesday 30 March 2016

Giant Torbay School Walk

Today we had our Giant Walk to School to promote travelwise. We met at the reserve at the bottom of Deep Creek Road. 

There was a competition and children were asked to decorate their bags. Check out our funky creations. 

We then set off on our walk to school. We met a few friends along the way. 

When we got back to school each class had to decide on the best bag to be judged in the competition. We had a blind vote and the winners were...

Julia from Room 1

And Yuka from Room 2

Well done girls! Thanks to everyone that was able to come and join us for a little bit of early morning fun. Also a big thanks to the travelwise team and The Walking School bus for organising this event for us. 

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Statistics - Data Squares

This week we have started talking about Statistics. To begin with we looked at a data square and talked about what it is.

A data square is a piece of paper that contains four pieces of information about one person.
In the data square above the information has come from four questions:

  • Are you a boy or girl?
  • Can you whistle?
  • Are you the oldest, youngest or middle child in your family? (Only children are classed as oldest)
  • Which hand do you write with to produce your neatest work?
Next we were given a set of data squares about about a group of people. In pairs we had to sort the data squares into different groups or categories and present this on a large sheet of paper. When we had finished we made statements about what we had noticed from the data.

Friday 18 March 2016

Carey Park Camp 2016

Wow! What an amazing time we had from the minute we left to the minute we arrived home. 

Our camp adventure began at school with some team games and a great game of capture the flag. 

After we had morning tea we squashed into the buses and set off to do the Auckland City walk. 

Fun on the buses. 

When we arrived at the Auckland City Walk we got into our groups and headed into the bush. 

We saw some enormous Kauri trees, raced leaves off the bridges and a beautiful Kereru even flew in for a visit.

Next it was time for lunch. We we pretty famished by then!

Finally it was time to head to camp!!!  

You could feel the excitement building in the air as we pulled in to the car park at Carey Park Camp. There it stood welcoming us in for an action packed 3 days. 

We piled off the buses and into the dining hall. We met some of the camp staff who talked about the camp rules and showed us a movie which made us even more excited and we just knew we would have a great time. 

Next we had the task of locating our dormitory or cabin and our luggage...

There was no time to waste as we had our first activity very soon. We negotiated our sleeping arrangements and got what we needed quick smart and before we knew it we heard the sound that would become so familiar at camp... the hooter. 

The year 5 students met in the gym and the year 6s met outside their dorms and we were off on the first activity. 

Year 5 activities
Outdoor Cooking/Tent Pitching

Rock Climbing

Confidence Course

Raft Building

Poles and Planks / Slip and Slide

Stream Scientist

Burma Trail / Native Bush Study / Waterhole

Year 6 Activities 
Crate Stacking

Flying Fox / Air Rifles


Bush Survival Skills

Rogaining and Compass work / Slip and Slide


Confidence Course / Rope Maze

We had a great time doing our activities. Keep checking the blog to see some writing about our favourite ones. 

Some of the other highlights at camp were...
- Doing the nighttime games. 
- Making our way through the Burma trail in the dark. Man those parents jumping out gave us a fright. 
- The campfire with magnificent, melting marshmallows. 
- The games evening in the gym. Lisa did an amazing job winning the Sleeping Lions game. 

As always the food at camp was delicious. We enjoyed singing grace before we ate...
Do do do do (click click)
Do do do do (click click)
Do do do do
Do do do do 
Do do do do (click click)

We couldn't do cool things like camp without the help of our parent helpers and teachers. They work so hard during camp and we really appreciate everything they do!!!

Please leave a comment saying what your camp highlights were!